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Olive oil from Morocco is considered the largest olive-producing country in the Arab world. In 2016, Morocco ranked first in the Arab world and sixth in the world, after the European Union.

olive oil from morocco

Extra virgin olive oil 

It is regarded as one of the best olive oil , with an acidity of less than 0.8 percent. It’s high in good fats and helps to reduce the risk of heart disease. Furthermore, it is suggested that you take it without exposing it to high heat since this can cause the formation of dangerous trans fatty acids to increase.

Olive oil

olive oil from morocco

Virgin olive oil 

This type of olive oil  is not the product of the first pressing of olives, and its acidity reaches 2%. It is not usually sold in retail stores. In theory, it is not a consumption recommendation for this oil, because it undergoes a refining process and is used to manufacture ultra-processed products, and it is a poor quality olive oil from morocco.

olive oil from morocco

Lamante olive oil 

This type of olive oil from Morocco is not the product of the first pressing of olives, and its acidity reaches 2%. It is not usually sold in retail stores. In theory, it is not recommended to consume this olive oil, because it undergoes a refining process and is used to manufacture ultra-processed products, and it is a poor quality oil.

Olive oil

olive oil from morocco

Refined olive oil 

It is one of the most common consumer olive oil and is obtained by refining lower quality oils, making it a by-product. This type of olive oil from morocco usually has a lower acidity level than the ambient olive oil, not to mention a mild flavor.

Olive oil

olive oil from morocco

Orujo oil 

To produce this lower quality variety, the remains of olives are repressed. Although the nutritional quality does not change, the flavor of this product does not make it suitable for consumption, so it is widely used in several industries. Sometimes it is mixed with other high-quality oils to make it suitable for human consumption.

Regular consumption of different types of olive oil from morocco helps to reduce inflammation levels and lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, the fact that it is high in calories cannot be denied. Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation to avoid weight gain.

Olive oil from morocco of all different types is an essential part of the Mediterranean food diet. It is often recommended that extra virgin olive oil be used for its high quality.

olive oil from morocco

Health is of the great importance of Olive oil from morocco

The German Society of Nutrition confirms that olive oil from Morocco is of great importance for health, as it protects against heart disease, helps to lose weight, and solves digestion problems.

The association explained that olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids that lower cholesterol. It is also rich in European, which has an antioxidant effect, protecting against heart attacks.

To be clear, unsaturated fats are better for your health, and they should be consumed as much as possible, as they are beneficial for lowering harmful cholesterol levels.

olive oil from morocco

The Heart

It also avoids the risk of cardiovascular disease, and this type of fat is divided into two parts: monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats, depending on their chemical composition.

Heart and cognitive diseases such as heart attacks and strokes are increased by saturated fats. Saturated fat is found in animal goods like red meat and dairy products like cheese, as well as whole milk, dark chocolate, butter, salmon, and egg yolks. Saturated fat is also found in some vegetable oils, including palm and olive oil from morocco.

The German company says that thanks to olive oil containing a high percentage of phenols and unsaturated fatty acids, olive oil f activates the process of fat burning, then weight loss and fitness.

In addition, olive oil is a natural lubricant that helps move food through the large intestine, which helps stimulate digestion.

Studies suggest that olive oil from morocco consumption may play a role in preventing colon and breast cancer. It may also play a role in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease through its ability to lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol.

Although most of the research has been done on the oil, eating olives as fruit can also have health benefits.